Rock Star Marketing


Vendor/Associate Members

About Us

Put Your Business In The Limelight

As a result of our marketing efforts, Rock Star Marketing helps small businesses reach their next million dollars in revenue. We do this by sharing their story in such a heartfelt way that their ideal clients, their Tribe, cannot help but want to work with them. We do this through storytelling in their blogs, social media channels, website, video marketing, and even Standard Operating Procedures for internal marketing! It's all about sharing stories within your community that resonate with your Tribe. Rock Star Marketing is the category king of storytelling in service industries, like auto repair, construction, legal services, medspas, and business coaching.

How Well Is Your Marketing Performing?

Your business is unique, and you have proven its uniqueness by growing your client base by 10 - 20 percent. Unfortunately, the rest of the world does not see you as unique because you are in a commoditized field and haven't told your story effectively enough. You're worried about other shops doing better than you and desperately want to hit your revenue goals.

How Can Rock Star Marketing Help Your Business Grow?

Rock Star Marketing can highlight your uniqueness and stand out by skilled storytelling throughout your website, your social media channels, your video ads, and even your Standard Operating Procedures. When you share what makes your business different and why you do what you do, you will attract your ideal clients and grow, even during a tough economy.


The Give To Get Principle by Jennifer Filzen -- an Amazon Best Seller
Jennifer Filzen, owner of Rock Star Marketing --

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Mrs. Jennifer Filzen